cry me a river

kunstmuseum luzern
july 4, 2024 - october 20, 2024

curated by Fanni Fetzer

list of works

cry me a river | UGO RONDINONE

cry me a river, 1997
neon, perspex, translucent film, aluminum
750 cm × 350 cm × 10 cm
blue clock | UGO RONDINONE

blue clock, 2016 2016
stained-glass window, wire
ΓΈ 100 cm
sublime light | UGO RONDINONE

sublime light, 2023
painted bronze
372 cm × 616 cm × 335 cm
blissful light | UGO RONDINONE

blissful light, 2023
painted bronze
448 cm × 649 cm × 408 cm
glorious light | UGO RONDINONE

glorious light, 2023
painted bronze
436 cm × 611 cm × 316 cm
luminous light | UGO RONDINONE

luminous light, 2023
painted bronze
232 cm × 651 cm × 204 cm
sparkling light | UGO RONDINONE

sparkling light, 2023
painted bronze
530 cm × 625 cm × 366 cm

heyday, 1995

installation in 3 parts:

figure. polyester, cotton, hair

floor. wood

window. wood, paint, glass

dimensions variable
primitive | UGO RONDINONE

primitive, 2011
cast bronze, 59 parts
dimensions variable
twelve sunsets twenty nine dawns all in one | UGO RONDINONE

twelve sunsets twenty nine dawns all in one, 2008
acrylic plaster
32 cm × 30 cm × 1 cm

rain, 2004
chains, spray paint
dimensions variable
the angelic | UGO RONDINONE

the angelic, 2024
bluestone, stainless steel, and concrete
107 cm × 405 cm × 64 cm
the dedicated | UGO RONDINONE

the dedicated, 2024
bluestone, stainless steel, and concrete
100 cm × 395 cm × 78 cm

bluestone, stainless steel, and concrete
129 cm × 414 cm × 64 cm
the modern | UGO RONDINONE

the modern, 2024
bluestone, stainless steel, and concrete
129 cm × 407 cm × 64 cm
the youthful | UGO RONDINONE

the youthful, 2024
bluestone, stainless steel, and concrete
102 cm × 429 cm × 79 cm
big mind sky | UGO RONDINONE

big mind sky, 2007
cast bronze, fitted in a duplex wall with blower
6 cm × 16 cm × 1 cm
sechstermaizweitausendundvierundzwanzig | UGO RONDINONE

sechstermaizweitausendundvierundzwanzig, 2024
watercolor on canvas
600 cm × 400 cm
siebtermaizweitausendundvierundzwanzig | UGO RONDINONE

siebtermaizweitausendundvierundzwanzig, 2024
watercolor on canvas
600 cm × 400 cm
primordial | UGO RONDINONE

primordial, 2016
bronze, patination; 50 parts
dimensions variable

primal, 2013
cast bronze, 59 parts
dimensions variable
your age and my age and the age of the sun | UGO RONDINONE

your age and my age and the age of the sun, 2013 - ongoing
plywood, concrete, sun drawings made by children of oaxaca, new york, china, korea
dimensions variable
a doubleday and a pastime | UGO RONDINONE

a doubleday and a pastime, 2000
4 speakers, sound, text loop, 2 gold tinsel curtains, glitter
dimensions variable
thank you silence | UGO RONDINONE

thank you silence, 2005
wood, paper, metal grille, motor activity
30 cm × 200 cm × 40 cm
on butterfly wings | UGO RONDINONE

on butterfly wings, 2006
cast aluminum, burnished steel, sand, incense sticks
5 cm × 7 cm × 1 cm