it’s late and the wind carries a faint sound as it moves through the trees. it could be anything. the jingling of little bells perhaps, or the tiny flickering out of tiny lives. i stroll down the side walk and close my eyes and open them and wait for my mind to go perfectly blank. like a room no one has ever entered, a room without doors or windows. a place where nothing happens. | UGO RONDINONE

it’s late and the wind carries a faint sound as it moves through the trees. it could be anything. the jingling of little bells perhaps, or the tiny flickering out of tiny lives. i stroll down the side walk and close my eyes and open them and wait for my mind to go perfectly blank. like a room no one has ever entered, a room without doors or windows. a place where nothing happens., 1999

6 dvds, 6 projections, aluminum, plexiglass, neon, sound
1684 cm × 500 cm × 970 cm